⚒ & 🌐 🔢¶
📚 💼 👆 🈸 💪 💪 🔢 ⚒ ⚖️ 📳, 🖼 ㊙ 🔑, 💽 🎓, 🎓 📧 🐕🦺, ♒️.
🏆 👫 ⚒ 🔢 (💪 🔀), 💖 💽 📛. & 📚 💪 🚿, 💖 ㊙.
👉 🤔 ⚫️ ⚠ 🚚 👫 🌐 🔢 👈 ✍ 🈸.
🌐 🔢¶
🚥 👆 ⏪ 💭 ⚫️❔ "🌐 🔢" & ❔ ⚙️ 👫, 💭 🆓 🚶 ⏭ 📄 🔛.
🌐 🔢 (💭 "🇨🇻 {") 🔢 👈 🖖 🏞 🐍 📟, 🏃♂ ⚙️, & 💪 ✍ 👆 🐍 📟 (⚖️ 🎏 📋 👍).
👆 💪 ✍ & ⚙️ 🌐 🔢 🐚, 🍵 💆♂ 🐍:
// You could create an env var MY_NAME with
$ export MY_NAME="Wade Wilson"
// Then you could use it with other programs, like
$ echo "Hello $MY_NAME"
Hello Wade Wilson
// Create an env var MY_NAME
$ $Env:MY_NAME = "Wade Wilson"
// Use it with other programs, like
$ echo "Hello $Env:MY_NAME"
Hello Wade Wilson
✍ 🇨🇻 {🐍¶
👆 💪 ✍ 🌐 🔢 🏞 🐍, 📶 (⚖️ ⏮️ 🙆 🎏 👩🔬), & ⤴️ ✍ 👫 🐍.
🖼 👆 💪 ✔️ 📁 main.py
import os
name = os.getenv("MY_NAME", "World")
print(f"Hello {name} from Python")
⤴️ 👆 💪 🤙 👈 🐍 📋:
// Here we don't set the env var yet
$ python main.py
// As we didn't set the env var, we get the default value
Hello World from Python
// But if we create an environment variable first
$ export MY_NAME="Wade Wilson"
// And then call the program again
$ python main.py
// Now it can read the environment variable
Hello Wade Wilson from Python
🌐 🔢 💪 ⚒ 🏞 📟, ✋️ 💪 ✍ 📟, & 🚫 ✔️ 🏪 (💕 git
) ⏮️ 🎂 📁, ⚫️ ⚠ ⚙️ 👫 📳 ⚖️ ⚒.
👆 💪 ✍ 🌐 🔢 🕴 🎯 📋 👼, 👈 🕴 💪 👈 📋, & 🕴 🚮 📐.
👈, ✍ ⚫️ ▶️️ ⏭ 📋 ⚫️, 🔛 🎏 ⏸:
// Create an env var MY_NAME in line for this program call
$ MY_NAME="Wade Wilson" python main.py
// Now it can read the environment variable
Hello Wade Wilson from Python
// The env var no longer exists afterwards
$ python main.py
Hello World from Python
👆 💪 ✍ 🌅 🔃 ⚫️ 1️⃣2️⃣-⚖ 📱: 📁.
🆎 & 🔬¶
👫 🌐 🔢 💪 🕴 🍵 ✍ 🎻, 👫 🔢 🐍 & ✔️ 🔗 ⏮️ 🎏 📋 & 🎂 ⚙️ (& ⏮️ 🎏 🏃♂ ⚙️, 💾, 🚪, 🇸🇻).
👈 ⛓ 👈 🙆 💲 ✍ 🐍 ⚪️➡️ 🌐 🔢 🔜 str
, & 🙆 🛠️ 🎏 🆎 ⚖️ 🔬 ✔️ 🔨 📟.
Pydantic Settings
👐, Pydantic 🚚 👑 🚙 🍵 👫 ⚒ 👟 ⚪️➡️ 🌐 🔢 ⏮️ Pydantic: ⚒ 🧾.
✍ Settings
🗄 BaseSettings
⚪️➡️ Pydantic & ✍ 🎧-🎓, 📶 🌅 💖 ⏮️ Pydantic 🏷.
🎏 🌌 ⏮️ Pydantic 🏷, 👆 📣 🎓 🔢 ⏮️ 🆎 ✍, & 🎲 🔢 💲.
👆 💪 ⚙️ 🌐 🎏 🔬 ⚒ & 🧰 👆 ⚙️ Pydantic 🏷, 💖 🎏 📊 🆎 & 🌖 🔬 ⏮️ Field()
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
app_name: str = "Awesome API"
admin_email: str
items_per_user: int = 50
settings = Settings()
app = FastAPI()
async def info():
return {
"app_name": settings.app_name,
"admin_email": settings.admin_email,
"items_per_user": settings.items_per_user,
🚥 👆 💚 🕳 ⏩ 📁 & 📋, 🚫 ⚙️ 👉 🖼, ⚙️ 🏁 1️⃣ 🔛.
⤴️, 🕐❔ 👆 ✍ 👐 👈 Settings
🎓 (👉 💼, settings
🎚), Pydantic 🔜 ✍ 🌐 🔢 💼-😛 🌌,, ↖-💼 🔢 APP_NAME
🔜 ✍ 🔢 app_name
⏭ ⚫️ 🔜 🗜 & ✔ 💽. , 🕐❔ 👆 ⚙️ 👈 settings
🎚, 👆 🔜 ✔️ 📊 🆎 👆 📣 (✅ items_per_user
🔜 int
⚙️ settings
⤴️ 👆 💪 ⚙️ 🆕 settings
🎚 👆 🈸:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
app_name: str = "Awesome API"
admin_email: str
items_per_user: int = 50
settings = Settings()
app = FastAPI()
async def info():
return {
"app_name": settings.app_name,
"admin_email": settings.admin_email,
"items_per_user": settings.items_per_user,
🏃 💽¶
⏭, 👆 🔜 🏃 💽 🚶♀️ 📳 🌐 🔢, 🖼 👆 💪 ⚒ ADMIN_EMAIL
$ ADMIN_EMAIL="deadpool@example.com" APP_NAME="ChimichangApp" uvicorn main:app
<span style="color: green;">INFO</span>: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
⚒ 💗 🇨🇻 {👁 📋 🎏 👫 ⏮️ 🚀, & 🚮 👫 🌐 ⏭ 📋.
& ⤴️ admin_email
⚒ 🔜 ⚒ "deadpool@example.com"
🔜 "ChimichangApp"
& items_per_user
🔜 🚧 🚮 🔢 💲 50
⚒ ➕1️⃣ 🕹¶
👆 💪 🚮 👈 ⚒ ➕1️⃣ 🕹 📁 👆 👀 🦏 🈸 - 💗 📁.
🖼, 👆 💪 ✔️ 📁 config.py
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
app_name: str = "Awesome API"
admin_email: str
items_per_user: int = 50
settings = Settings()
& ⤴️ ⚙️ ⚫️ 📁 main.py
from fastapi import FastAPI
from .config import settings
app = FastAPI()
async def info():
return {
"app_name": settings.app_name,
"admin_email": settings.admin_email,
"items_per_user": settings.items_per_user,
👆 🔜 💪 📁 __init__.py
👆 👀 🔛 🦏 🈸 - 💗 📁.
⚒ 🔗¶
🍾 ⚫️ 5️⃣📆 ⚠ 🚚 ⚒ ⚪️➡️ 🔗, ↩️ ✔️ 🌐 🎚 ⏮️ settings
👈 ⚙️ 🌐.
👉 💪 ✴️ ⚠ ⏮️ 🔬, ⚫️ 📶 ⏩ 🔐 🔗 ⏮️ 👆 👍 🛃 ⚒.
📁 📁¶
👟 ⚪️➡️ ⏮️ 🖼, 👆 config.py
📁 💪 👀 💖:
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
app_name: str = "Awesome API"
admin_email: str
items_per_user: int = 50
👀 👈 🔜 👥 🚫 ✍ 🔢 👐 settings = Settings()
👑 📱 📁¶
🔜 👥 ✍ 🔗 👈 📨 🆕 config.Settings()
from functools import lru_cache
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from .config import Settings
app = FastAPI()
def get_settings():
return Settings()
async def info(settings: Settings = Depends(get_settings)):
return {
"app_name": settings.app_name,
"admin_email": settings.admin_email,
"items_per_user": settings.items_per_user,
👥 🔜 🔬 @lru_cache
🔜 👆 💪 🤔 get_settings()
😐 🔢.
& ⤴️ 👥 💪 🚚 ⚫️ ⚪️➡️ ➡ 🛠️ 🔢 🔗 & ⚙️ ⚫️ 🙆 👥 💪 ⚫️.
from functools import lru_cache
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from .config import Settings
app = FastAPI()
def get_settings():
return Settings()
async def info(settings: Settings = Depends(get_settings)):
return {
"app_name": settings.app_name,
"admin_email": settings.admin_email,
"items_per_user": settings.items_per_user,
⚒ & 🔬¶
⤴️ ⚫️ 🔜 📶 ⏩ 🚚 🎏 ⚒ 🎚 ⏮️ 🔬 🏗 🔗 🔐 get_settings
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from .config import Settings
from .main import app, get_settings
client = TestClient(app)
def get_settings_override():
return Settings(admin_email="testing_admin@example.com")
app.dependency_overrides[get_settings] = get_settings_override
def test_app():
response = client.get("/info")
data = response.json()
assert data == {
"app_name": "Awesome API",
"admin_email": "testing_admin@example.com",
"items_per_user": 50,
🔗 🔐 👥 ⚒ 🆕 💲 admin_email
🕐❔ 🏗 🆕 Settings
🎚, & ⤴️ 👥 📨 👈 🆕 🎚.
⤴️ 👥 💪 💯 👈 ⚫️ ⚙️.
👂 .env
🚥 👆 ✔️ 📚 ⚒ 👈 🎲 🔀 📚, 🎲 🎏 🌐, ⚫️ 5️⃣📆 ⚠ 🚮 👫 🔛 📁 & ⤴️ ✍ 👫 ⚪️➡️ ⚫️ 🚥 👫 🌐 🔢.
👉 💡 ⚠ 🥃 👈 ⚫️ ✔️ 📛, 👫 🌐 🔢 🛎 🥉 📁 .env
, & 📁 🤙 "🇨🇻".
📁 ▶️ ⏮️ ❣ (.
) 🕵♂ 📁 🖥-💖 ⚙️, 💖 💾 & 🇸🇻.
✋️ 🇨🇻 📁 🚫 🤙 ✔️ ✔️ 👈 ☑ 📁.
Pydantic ✔️ 🐕🦺 👂 ⚪️➡️ 👉 🆎 📁 ⚙️ 🔢 🗃. 👆 💪 ✍ 🌖 Pydantic ⚒: 🇨🇻 (.🇨🇻) 🐕🦺.
👉 👷, 👆 💪 pip install python-dotenv
👆 💪 ✔️ .env
📁 ⏮️:
✍ ⚒ ⚪️➡️ .env
& ⤴️ ℹ 👆 config.py
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
app_name: str = "Awesome API"
admin_email: str
items_per_user: int = 50
class Config:
env_file = ".env"
📥 👥 ✍ 🎓 Config
🔘 👆 Pydantic Settings
🎓, & ⚒ env_file
📁 ⏮️ 🇨🇻 📁 👥 💚 ⚙️.
🎓 ⚙️ Pydantic 📳. 👆 💪 ✍ 🌖 Pydantic 🏷 📁
🏗 Settings
🕴 🕐 ⏮️ lru_cache
👂 📁 ⚪️➡️ 💾 🛎 ⚠ (🐌) 🛠️, 👆 🎲 💚 ⚫️ 🕴 🕐 & ⤴️ 🏤-⚙️ 🎏 ⚒ 🎚, ↩️ 👂 ⚫️ 🔠 📨.
✋️ 🔠 🕰 👥:
🆕 Settings
🎚 🔜 ✍, & 🏗 ⚫️ 🔜 ✍ .env
📁 🔄.
🚥 🔗 🔢 💖:
def get_settings():
return Settings()
👥 🔜 ✍ 👈 🎚 🔠 📨, & 👥 🔜 👂 .env
📁 🔠 📨. 👶 👶
✋️ 👥 ⚙️ @lru_cache
👨🎨 🔛 🔝, Settings
🎚 🔜 ✍ 🕴 🕐, 🥇 🕰 ⚫️ 🤙. 👶 👶
from functools import lru_cache
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from . import config
app = FastAPI()
def get_settings():
return config.Settings()
async def info(settings: config.Settings = Depends(get_settings)):
return {
"app_name": settings.app_name,
"admin_email": settings.admin_email,
"items_per_user": settings.items_per_user,
⤴️ 🙆 🏁 🤙 get_settings()
🔗 ⏭ 📨, ↩️ 🛠️ 🔗 📟 get_settings()
& 🏗 🆕 Settings
🎚, ⚫️ 🔜 📨 🎏 🎚 👈 📨 🔛 🥇 🤙, 🔄 & 🔄.
📡 ℹ¶
🔀 🔢 ⚫️ 🎀 📨 🎏 💲 👈 📨 🥇 🕰, ↩️ 💻 ⚫️ 🔄, 🛠️ 📟 🔢 🔠 🕰.
, 🔢 🔛 ⚫️ 🔜 🛠️ 🕐 🔠 🌀 ❌. & ⤴️ 💲 📨 🔠 👈 🌀 ❌ 🔜 ⚙️ 🔄 & 🔄 🕐❔ 🔢 🤙 ⏮️ ⚫️❔ 🎏 🌀 ❌.
🖼, 🚥 👆 ✔️ 🔢:
def say_hi(name: str, salutation: str = "Ms."):
return f"Hello {salutation} {name}"
👆 📋 💪 🛠️ 💖 👉:
participant code as Code
participant function as say_hi()
participant execute as Execute function
rect rgba(0, 255, 0, .1)
code ->> function: say_hi(name="Camila")
function ->> execute: execute function code
execute ->> code: return the result
rect rgba(0, 255, 255, .1)
code ->> function: say_hi(name="Camila")
function ->> code: return stored result
rect rgba(0, 255, 0, .1)
code ->> function: say_hi(name="Rick")
function ->> execute: execute function code
execute ->> code: return the result
rect rgba(0, 255, 0, .1)
code ->> function: say_hi(name="Rick", salutation="Mr.")
function ->> execute: execute function code
execute ->> code: return the result
rect rgba(0, 255, 255, .1)
code ->> function: say_hi(name="Rick")
function ->> code: return stored result
rect rgba(0, 255, 255, .1)
code ->> function: say_hi(name="Camila")
function ->> code: return stored result
💼 👆 🔗 get_settings()
, 🔢 🚫 ✊ 🙆 ❌, ⚫️ 🕧 📨 🎏 💲.
👈 🌌, ⚫️ 🎭 🌖 🚥 ⚫️ 🌐 🔢. ✋️ ⚫️ ⚙️ 🔗 🔢, ⤴️ 👥 💪 🔐 ⚫️ 💪 🔬.
🍕 functools
❔ 🍕 🐍 🐩 🗃, 👆 💪 ✍ 🌅 🔃 ⚫️ 🐍 🩺 @lru_cache
👆 💪 ⚙️ Pydantic ⚒ 🍵 ⚒ ⚖️ 📳 👆 🈸, ⏮️ 🌐 🏋️ Pydantic 🏷.
- ⚙️ 🔗 👆 💪 📉 🔬.
- 👆 💪 ⚙️
📁 ⏮️ ⚫️. - ⚙️
➡️ 👆 ❎ 👂 🇨🇻 📁 🔄 & 🔄 🔠 📨, ⏪ 🤝 👆 🔐 ⚫️ ⏮️ 🔬.